
tailoring services

-Door to door alternations (we came at your locations do the fitting for your garments and pick up the garments and delivery back to you )
-waist, seat out and in on pants
-shorten  sleeves on suit jacket
-recut the pants(if you lost wight and  need to size down the pants)
-recut the suit jacket(size down the jacket. remove the sleeves and narrow the shoulders , side in ,thru double vent and armhole, short the jacket from bottom and top)
-remove waist band
- change pockets( with new ones)
-fix open seeam
-patch for pants and jeans
-overcoat; side in /out,make into small size.
for anything else just ask.

Suit Jacket -short from top

Recut Pants -pictures

Recut suit jacket-pictures

Short  sport coat from top


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